We provide educators with the required tools to address reading difficulties. From professional development to certifications, we have the courses you need.

Supporting parents is a priority for Payne. We offer the information, resources, and training that will assist parents in improving their children’s learning outcomes.

There are different ways for our community to raise awareness and support for children with dyslexia. Our events and activities are an excellent place to start.

Dyslexia is a neurological language-based learning disability that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent reading and spelling. 1 in 5, or 20% of Oklahomans, including children, show signs of dyslexia.

Payne Education Center, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, is a resource and referral center that trains teachers to teach reading in a way that works for ALL students, including those with dyslexia while providing professional resources to Oklahoma families.

875 educators, professionals, parents, and advocates trained in 2023.

62 trainees worked toward, or gained, national dyslexia certifications in 2023.

Over 1,627 hours of referral services provided to parents and educators in 2023.