Become a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT)
Therapy level training is the heart and soul of Payne Education Center, as it was the reason for Payne’s founding. Each year, approximately 40 trainees graduate through Payne’s Structured Multisensory Language Foundations (SMLF) program. SMLF is a two-year therapist certification training, which enables skilled educators to use multisensory reading techniques to teach the basic language skills of reading, writing, and spelling. SMLF is based on the Alphabetic Phonics approach and utilizes the Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia program developed at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital, along with various other supplementary Payne materials and resources. SMLF has a high success rate in remediating language-learning differences, including students with dyslexia.
What will I be able to do as a CALT?
- Demonstrate knowledge of language development
- Demonstrate knowledge of the structure of written language
- Demonstrate knowledge of dyslexia, written language disorders & other related disorders
- Interpret testing
- Use diagnostic & prescriptive MSL strategies to improve reading, spelling, & written expression
- Apply relevant research in instructional practice
- Use Section 504 & IDEA to guide professional conduct & advocacy
- Follow ethical standards for the profession
- Communicate effectively orally & in writing with colleagues, parents & other professionals
- Must hold a Master’s degree (effective May 31, 2023)
- Candidates who successfully complete comprehensive therapy-level training and the ALTA CALT exam without a Master’s degree may join ALTA as a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT)-Candidate and will have an additional five years to complete the Master’s degree. A CALT-Candidate will enjoy all the benefits of a full voting member of ALTA for up to 5 years while they pursue a Master’s degree. If a CALT-Candidate does not complete a Master’s degree within this time period, the CALT-Candidate status will automatically convert to a CALP level.
- Attend 28 days of instruction (10 day summer training + 5 Saturday seminars in year one and 4 Saturday seminars in year two)
- Undergo mentoring by Payne Qualified Instructors
- Log practicum hours with students
- Pass ALTA’s Competency Exam for MSLE given online and at various testing sites
What does this National Certification do for me?
- Provides educators with a highly sought designation
- Elevates the profession of MSL Educators
- Promotes professional expertise to consumers
- Allows state, national, and international certification portability to MSL educators
- Gives states a guideline for potential licensure

What do I have to do to complete my Certification?
Complete Introductory SMLF training (Year 1)
- Attend summer training (two weeks)
- Attend 5 Saturday Seminars held at Payne Education Center (2 fall, 3 spring)
- Complete 5 demonstration lessons with a Payne Qualified Instructor (conducted onsite or by video)
- Log 350 hours of Practicum
Complete Advanced SMLF training (Year 2)
- Attend summer training (2 weeks)
- Attend 4 Saturday Seminars held at Payne Education Center (2 fall, 2 spring)
- Complete 5 demonstration lessons with a Payne Qualified Instructor (conducted onsite or by video)
- Log 350 hours of Practicum
Pass ALTA’s Competency Exam for MSLE
- Administered online and at various testing sites. Click here for more information and to sign up.